
A love letter to my darling television

Dear TV:

Oh how I've missed you. I didn't realize how deep my love for you was until you went away from me. I'm so thankful you're back in my life.

Is my life any better because you've now taught me about the crimes of Sante & Kenneth Kimes? Will I live longer because you showed me a rerun of Julia Child's show? No and sadly no. But I enjoyed our fanciful diversion from the pressures of law school & a lingering cold.

But sadly I must maintain some distance from you. Never fear--you'll always be a part of my life. It's just that during the last week and a half without you, I've learned how non-essential you are to my life. I've learned there's so much more out there. The Wii was probably feeling rather unloved when you were in my life. Same goes for the feathered ones. In your absence, they filled the apartment with beautiful noise, chirping sweet songs all day long. Now that you're back, they're sitting in silence blinking their beady bird eyes at you.

You can't stay on while I workout anymore either. The workouts are far more intense when you're missing in action. So no longer will you provide a background track to Jillian Michael's 30 Day Shred or any number of yoga routines. No no you'll sit silently while I workout.

Don't forget: I'll always love you and I am glad you're back in my life. Please understand that my life has expanded now. Don't take it too hard, TV.

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