Today was just a blah day. I felt it as soon as I woke up. So I took a shower and went to get groceries, hoping that would get me out of my funk.
It didn't. Several hours later I was just as much in that funk as I had been when I woke up. If anything, I was more in a funk. Something just wasn't right in my life. I decided to go for a run; maybe a re-trying a new exercise would break the funk. Plus, my sister had talked a lot about running this weekend (she's running the NY marathon in November with her boyfriend--I'm so proud!) and I was feeling inspired.
Sadly running didn't pull me out of my funk either. Mostly it didn't pull me out of my funk because I didn't really do any running.
I had previously spotted the entrance to a state park, Robert E. Lee State Park, off a light rail stop. After some internet research I discovered that the park was indeed a safe place not to mention quite scenic. From what I had seen, the park was mostly a wooden walkway through a forest, which seemed perfect for running. When I got there I discovered that after about 5 minutes of walking the walkway ended, turning into a road. After a few more minutes on the road I was tossed out onto actual trails.
It was the loveliest surprise I've had in a long time. With the temperature in the upper 60's, the leaves starting to turn and a trail winding around Lake Roland I was so pleased with this new find. I abandoned my run and decided to do some hiking instead of going home. I've always loved hiking and nature in general. Sadly I haven't actually done anything since middle school with a few exceptions, including a family trip to the start of the AT in Georgia, a nature hike in Costa Rica and a jaunt through the mountains in South Korea.
When I headed into the forest following a well-beaten trail I found exactly what had been missing in my life: the great outdoors. The only downside is that I lost track of the time and day of the week and missed Bible study this evening as a result. Bummer. But maybe God wanted me to see this instead.
Since I don't have any class on Thursday I plan to head back to Robert E. Lee to make my way all the way around the lake. Unfortunately I had to head home early; the sun was setting and I didn't want to be in the park after dark by myself. I'll take the good camera next time I go back so I'll have lots of pretty fall foliage photos to share with you! But for now here are a few pictures taken with my phone:
Oh please take someone with you next time. Do not go alone! I can't stand that you were there and no one knew! AARG! Be careful! I worry!! I love you!! Mom