I have a huge victory to share with you today.
For well over 6 months my weight has been somewhere in the 190's. It was a terrifying place to be; I had always sworn I would never reach 200 pounds. But yet for months I've been dancing dangerously close to that line. It terrified me. It didn't just terrify me, it completely paralyzed me.
Lately I've been on Weight Watchers. I wanted to lose weight. It's partially about my health, hence the choice of WW over other plans. It's also partially about my graduation trip. We're spending 10 days in Hawaii. Once plans were made I decided that I absolutely did not want to go frolicking around Hawaii in August at 5'2" and close to 200 pounds.
This morning I hopped on the scale for my weekly weigh-in. I hadn't weighed in the week before since I was in DC with my family. I decided to weight to my next designated weigh-in to check back in.
Despite my concerns that I had gained the following number popped up: 188.0.
Not only have I reached my first weight watchers goal, I've crossed a huge personal milestone. I am officially out of the 190's and I have no intention of going back. 200 seems a little further away. That distance only motivates me to put even more distance between myself and 200.
I splurged and treated myself today. I had originally boarded the light rail for Hunt Valley to pick out a present for myself. A new makeup palette? A new jacket? Some new shoes? Between Burlington, DSW, Loft, NY&Co and Ulta the possibilities were endless! I ended up at Ulta. Instead of splurging on makeup to celebrate making it out of the 190's I decided to go a different route: I got my hair highlighted and colored! I had toyed with the idea prior to my arrival but decided to pray about it. When I arrived at Ulta they just happened to have a colorist available. That colorist just happened to give me a discount. Prayer answered! I haven't had highlights and years. I forgot what a huge difference they can make. I feel so vain; I can't stop looking at my hair! I feel so good. I can't wait to make it out of the 180's so I can go all out again. I'll reward myself with something small after each 5 pound mark I hit but I'm saving the big splurges for each set of 10's I leave behind (if that makes sense). Sometimes a girl just deserves to be pampered!
Hooray you! Keep it going!!