I wish someone would have told me this years ago.
I wish.
Because I've started so many times. I've started writing. Photographing. Running. Blogging.
And it never worked at first. I'd wait a few months, plug away patiently.
Nothing. I quit. I walked away and said maybe it wasn't me to be.
But Glass is right. There is a gap. And it takes time. Lots of it. I'm still in this phase. I'm not sure who I am as a writer or a runner quite yet. I know the quote is about the arts but it's equally applicable to anything you do in life.
I haven't found my voice. I haven't found my pace.
But I will.
It will take time. More than I thought it would. More than I think it should.
But this time instead of quitting, I'll keep pushing. Because that's when it's most important o push. It's too easy to quit.
And no one ever succeeded by quitting.
Yup!! No one ever succeeded by quitting! (Piano,flute, softball....) But the good thing is that you keep trying! Love you! And, keep on running and writing!!