I've never understood the animosity towards Valentine's Day.
Yes it's commercial. Yes it's mushy.
But it's not just a holiday for lovers or the overly sentimental. It's a holiday for everyone.
All of us.
Love isn't just for lovers. In Greek there are 4 different words for love.
Storge: natural affection, especially between a mother and a child.
Philia: the affection between friends
Eros: strong attraction (typically sexual)
Agape: extreme, unselfish love
So today, celebrate love. Celebrate storge; call your parents and tell them you love them. Celebrate philia; spend time with friends. If there's eros in your life celebrate that. Celebrate agape; spend time with He who created you and unselfishly gave His life for you.
Most importantly, love yourself. Not in an egotistical vain way. The commandant to love our neighbors contains an important caveat: we are to love them as we love ourselves.
If you don't love yourself, how can you love your neighbor?
Today is more than a day for being mushy with a paramour. It's a day to share a smile with a stranger. A day to call a friend you haven't spoken to in ages. A day to spend time in prayer. A day to treat yourself. A day to reflect on what family has done for you.
So let your heart overflow with love today and remember that there's more to love than just eros.
Yes, yes there is more to love than eros. Love you dear!!